Why, hello there. I know that I don’t come here often enough but it seems like that will be changing in the near future. It has been an interesting adventure starting up my own web site, and here we are, four months later and finally starting to ease into a rhythm.
Come October 8th you will start to see regular updates of the web page. Every Monday will be either a new review, or a blog post. Blog posts will also start being authored by other reviewers. So, instead of just reading me prattle on about how great and wonderful I think this shtick is, you will get to hear from Jonathan B., Heidi B., Rachel T., Fernando B., and any reviewers that we accumulate into the fold over the course of time. Their first reviews will be a bit of an introduction, a type of interview of sorts, and then blog posts in the future will note who is penning it. I’m not certain what will be submitted for the blog, but I’m looking forward to sharing their voices and points of views.
Wednesdays, starting October 10th I will start adding content to the Facebook page. This will include polls to see who has read or watched the title that had been reviewed that Monday, and which was better. I may post discussion questions, these could be of an academic caliber looking into the themes and context of the story. They may be more sociable, like who would be best if the movie was redone, to direct or act. The question may not have anything to do with Monday’s review. There is a wide range of things to post and I hope that it 1) doesn’t become redundant (i.e. the same questions every week) and 2) people respond.
The second part is going to be the most critical. For starters, the site is ultimately for engagement, not just with the story but with those who have shared the experience. If people, readers and reviewers alike, don’t start and /or participate in a dialog we are missing out on a significant part of the engagement. Also, this is going to be a good spot to see what we, as reviewers, are getting right and need to improve upon. I find myself way too excited to have people that want to contribute, and way too guilty that I can’t pay them for their efforts to be too critical of their work. Some may argue with me, but if this were a job, and not just a passion, I would ask a lot more of my contributors than I currently do. Lastly, the more people who partake in the discussion or sharing of reviews/posts, the more people that see what we are doing, and possible want to be there for the experience.
I know that for the time being that discussion will be thin. Currently our Facebook page has 22 fans, and this really is the only number I have for people that stop by and give the site a look. I’m sure there are more, but there is no way to be sure. I do believe however, that if the few fans we got keep spreading the word we will grow into an awesome community of book readers, movie watchers, and discussants of both.
So, stay tuned, for what is soon to come, a more regularly scheduled program, brought to you by the reviewers of Twenty Four Pages Per Second.