Tuesday, November 27, 2012

An Interview with Heidi B.

What do you currently do for a living? What do you want to do? What role does contributing to this site play in your current or future goals?

I currently work in print, managing the mailing of a few periodicals and catalogs. It’s a great job and I’m really enjoying it, but it is definitely not what I studied in school. I’d love to do something involving archaeology, specifically Viking-age Scandinavian archaeology, or just to live in Sweden. I used to write short stories fairly often, but for the past 5 years or so I’ve not really put any effort into creative writing. I am hoping that writing for this site will help get me back into writing, as I’ve had a few story ideas kicking around for a while.

What is one book you could read over and over again and why?

I don’t think I have one specific book that I could read over and over, but rather I have a few different series of books I tend to read at least annually. They all do a really good job creating worlds I’d love to live in, and I think that’s what keeps me reading them again and again. Jacqueline Carey’s Kushiel’s Legacy is one that I reread fairly often.

If you could only read books in one genre, which one and why?

I usually stick to fantasy novels, because I’m a big fan of fantastical worlds, magic systems, giants and dragons and wizards, etc… I think reading should allow the reader to “escape” the real world, and fantasy makes that way more fun.

Of all the characters you have read, which one seems to have a personality most like yours?

There are so many characters in the books I’ve read over the years that I see pieces of myself in, but I think the one character I’d consider most like myself is Surreal from Anne Bishop’s Black Jewels Trilogy. Surreal is a red-haired high level witch prostitute assassin, and while out of those characteristics I am only red-haired (and dyed at that!), her personality is closest to mine. She’s no-nonsense and makes sure everyone knows how she can more than handle herself in any situation she’s thrown in. She’s also incredibly sarcastic, snarky and pretty much an all out badass bitch, and I like to think if I lived in the world of that series I’d be much like her.

Who is your least favorite character or couple in a book? Why?

I think I fall a little in love with all the characters in books I read, but honestly the one character I just can’t stand is goddamn Professor Umbridge in Harry Potter. I’m sure it’s just a case of me disliking the character so much due to excellent writing, but my god, I just want to smack her stupid frog face whenever I read Order of the Phoenix.

If there was one character you could emulate, either looks, personality and or ability, who would it be and which traits in particular?

Karsa Orlong from Steven Erikson’s Malazan Book of the Fallen series. Because then I’d get to be bigger than everyone and tougher than everyone and also kill everyone including GODS.

What movie have you watched the most? Any particular reason?

There are many movies that I will watch over and over again because, like with reading, I enjoy escapism. There are few movies that I will drop everything to watch when I notice them on cable, though. These are: Mrs. Doubtfire, Beetlejuice, Overboard, and Jurassic Park. There is no rhyme or reason to these movies, I just really, really like them.

Are there any books that you would make a conscious effort to avert others from? Why?

While I’d like to sit here and say Twilight, honestly, any books that get people who probably wouldn’t read otherwise are good. Twilight isn’t a good novel for many, many reasons, but I’m not going to steer someone away from reading it because at least they’re reading.  Maybe it’ll get them into reading other, better novels, and then hey! It did a good!

What are some titles that fall into your "I need to read/watch/play" list.

Probably #1 on my must read list is the A Song of Fire and Ice series. I absolutely love the television adaptation, and it’s hailed as a great fantasy series. There is really no excuse for why I haven’t yet read it.

Monday, November 19, 2012

An Interview with Jonathan B.

What do you currently do for a living? What do you want to do? What role does contributing to this site play in your current or future goals?

Currently, I am working for the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee as a Teaching Assistant. I’m also a tutor at my campus’s Writing Center. As for my academics, I’m focusing on history with a special emphasis on the American Civil Rights Movement, circa 1960. In my spare time, I write fiction and maintain a blog over at my homepage. You should visit. I’ll wait.

When I grow up, I want to be a professor of history and write academic and fiction works. Although it may not seem like contributing to this site will help me achieve my goals, this will help me maintain a steady practice of writing critical analysis. Although the phrase “review” gets tossed around a lot, I think “critical review” may be more appropriate. After all, you could barf up a couple hundred words, but are you really contributing anything?

Although, to be fair, that’s my rationalization for producing multiple reviews in excess of 2,500 words.

What is one book you could read over and over again and why?

I don’t really do that, to be honest. I used to read Tailchaser’s Song at least once a year growing up. But it’s been a really long time since I sat down and read a fiction book after going through it once. I have the same problem with movies, really.

If you could only read books in one genre, which one and why?

Tough to say. I think horror, because they tend to be the most consistently entertaining. But, and this is a issue, good (as in actually scary) horror tends to be very hard to come by.

Of all the characters you have read, which one seems to have a personality most like yours?

Ah, yes, the reflection question. How I hate thee. In any case, before I matured into my beautiful butterfly form, I was an angsty twit, endlessly pontificating but trapped in place. As such, the narrator from Fight Club. You know. Before be descended completely into madness. And without the ability to throw a punch.

On second thought, Hermione Granger.

Who is your least favorite character or couple in a book? Why?

Lev Grossman’s The Magicians had some of the most unappealing characters I’ve read. The only one I liked doesn’t get nearly enough screen time, and the remaining others were so utterly useless and petty that I actively started wishing for them to die. I’ve hated characters before, but they really tested my patience by the end of the book.

And then, of course, the main character takes all of his development and chucks it out the window. Incredibly frustrating.

If there was one character you could emulate, either looks, personality and or ability, who would it be and which traits in particular?

I’m pretty happy with myself as-is. But if I had to pick someone, McReady from Who Goes There? would be pretty awesome. Particularly, his ability to remain calm under duress. I’m a worrier by nature, and it would be nice to be able to be somewhat more detached. Not too much, though.

Also, coming up with the badass blood test was pretty awesome.

What movie have you watched the most? Any particular reason?

I have the same problem with movies as I do books – I usually watch them once. The fact that one particular former significant other would obsessively watch the same movies endlessly over and over again makes me far less likely to return to any particular movie. A great way to ruin comedies is to watch them seven times in the course of one week.

However, there are a few exceptions. The Beast of Yucca Flats, because Mystery Science Theater 3000 made fun of it. I could probably quote it’s odd and confusing narration verbatim by now. Galaxy Quest is another that I’ve seen a million times; one day, my father and I contracted some horrible 24 hour bug. We were deposited (surprisingly) upright in the living room, the TV was turned on and changed to one of the movie channels. Galaxy Quest had apparently just arrived on home video or something, because we saw nothing but that movie until noon, when we were finally able to muster up the strength to change the channel.

The movie I’ve watched the most of my own volition was The Thing (1982). Because it is awesome.

Are there any movies that you felt were a waste of time and or money? Elaborate.

Ha. Yes

It’s pretty typical to go and point a finger at a particular bad director. Uwe Boll’s films, for instance, are pretty universally terrible, but there’s a certain hilarious earnest charm in them. Although House of the Dead reminded everyone that sometime’s it’s okay to crush a child’s dream of being an actor/film maker, there’s such a wonderful glee about the entire thing that I can’t stay made at it.

I get mad at movies where competent people are clearly fucking with the audience. Stephanie Meyers Presents: The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn: Part One (Of Two) is a great example of a director/editor treating their audience like a bunch of idiots. Unnecessarily long shots, extended music montages, and periods which have no baring on the plot all combine to make what thin story there is stretch to beyond a reasonable point. There is no reason the movie should be as long as it is without understanding that 1) Harry Potter’s last book was split into two cinematic outings and 2) the producers like money. I felt utterly insulted being in that theater, and this is coming from a guy who actually stepped up to bat for the series at one point.

Then there are movies which are made which are weird for weird’s sake and people sit around and actively perpetuate and unnecessary opinion. Eraserhead is one of those films that is a series of disconnected scenes which could have been creepy if handled better, but it just gets so lost in its own weirdness that ceases being a movie. I’ve heard people describe it as “bleak” and “scary” and the ultimate “what the fuck”. But the fact of the matter is that it doesn’t really succeed at anything other than being loosely connected shots about a puffy haired dweeb who knocks a girl up and their offspring looks like a Thing forgot to fully transform into a dog. Art! Or something, I guess.

Are there any books that you would make a conscious effort to avert others from? Why?

Tisha. I had to read that shitty thing in my high school Freshman English class. To be entirely fair, I’m sure it was just that teacher who mishandled the book in class that ruined it for me. But I just remember every chapter being an unbelievable slog. I didn’t care what was happening, even though ten years later I would be reading very similar stories in my academic career. In any case, I ended up unusually hostile toward this book. Maybe I’ll give it a try again, but definitely not in the near future.

If you could pit two characters form different movies played by the same actor/actress against each other in a fight, which two characters and why? Who would win?

Kurt Russell as Snake Pliskin from Escape from New York against his creepy kidnapping rapist from Overboard. Why? Because I want a eye-patch wearing badass to stomp the ever-living shit out of that redneck. Think it’s okay to enslave someone because they’re mean to you? Two in the head, asshole. And then, Kurt Russel as R.J. MacReady from The Thing could scream “Yeah, fuck you too!” before chucking a lit stick of dynamite on the guy’s quivering corpse.

Talk about why a character from a book/game turned to movie where the character is considerably better in the book/game. One that is considerably better in the movie.

Luna Lovegood was better in the books, because she had more time with the audience than in any of the Harry Potter movies. That’s simply a matter of screen time – the actress they got to play her was awesome, and anyone who doesn’t think so can walk into an open sewer.

The narrator in the movie adaptation of Fight Club is significantly more sympathetic. It’s better on some levels, but not on others.

What are some titles that fall into your "I need to read/watch/play" list.

I need to finish up the Hunger Games series. I really adored the first book, and I look forward to how everything plays out... even if I haven’t heard the best things about the finale.

Further, I need to finish reading Fear the Hunted by my friend Jinn Nelson.

But both of those are going to have to wait until my thesis is finished.

If you had to come up with a cross over story, which characters would you chose to unite, and what would the basic story be?

See, here’s the thing: I’d want to write a story where all the characters in all the plays I’ve written and Project Northwoods have a huge battle. As it turns out, the big bad of one of the stories has figured out a way to merge realities and, in an effort to annihilate all existence, is using this big war to trigger something particularly nasty.

Yes, I’m sure it’s been done before, but this is my fantasy.

But, relying on actually published stuff, I want to see the protagonists of twenty four random bestsellers square off in an arena, fighting to the death. Namely so I can giggle maniacally when Christian Grey is pierced by the hard shaft of an arrow (see what I did there?).

If you could share a meal, or a cup of coffee with any five authors, who would they be? What two questions would you want most to ask?

Tad Williams, H. P. Lovecraft, Hideo Kojima, Dr. Seuss, Stephen King

1) What scares you?
2) What keeps you writing?

Monday, November 12, 2012

Review Number Nineteen

Today I posted review number nineteen. That is huge...okay, not as huge as number twenty but that will be coming. Before I reach that mark I am going to be spending the next few weeks posting to the blog on Mondays instead of new reviews. Each week will be an interview with one of the reviewers currently submitting to the site. Today, I am going to do a little more talking about myself, next week you will get to read more about Jonathan B. All this to build up to review number twenty, I am so excited for this. Without further ado, here’s the first interview. 

1. What do you currently do for a living? What do you want to do? What role does contributing to this site play in your current or future goals?

I currently work in customer service for a grocery store, am a full time student at UW-Milwaukee, and am an AWEsome girlfriend. I’d eventually like to drop the gig at the grocery store. As thankful as I am for the job, because it provided income, health insurance, friends, and a lot of valuable work experience, I’d much rather get paid to do something with books or writing. Possibly find myself in publishing, or even open my own book/movie store, you know along the same lines as the site. I also intend to keep on being an AWEsome girlfriend, at least until the AWEsome befriend makes me an AWEsome wife. This site, is going to work to hone my skills as a writer, keep me working on a schedule and organized, teach me skills I otherwise wouldn’t have (website admin and designer) and work as a portfolio of sorts.

2. What is one book you could read over and over again and why?

This is a difficult decision, mostly because a lot of really good books are a part of a series, and it is really difficult to just read one without there being a tugging desire to read the rest. However, to name one and only one it would come down to The Giver by Lois Lowry. It’s just so small, and real, and sad, and beautiful.

3. If you could only read books in one genre, which one and why?

Hands down Young Adult, mostly because it has everything: love stories, action, mystery, thriller, fantasy. Also, because I have a feeling it will keep me feeling young, or at least able to keep up with the young(er).

4. Of all the characters you have read, which one seems to have a personality most like yours?

When I first came up with this question it didn’t seem to difficult, then again maybe it is why I didn’t ask for all the questions to be answered. Hrm... possibly Shay from Scott Westerfeld's Uglies. Kind of adventurous, wants to think for herself but also wants to be excepted by others, holds grudges, likes to have fun, can help in a crisis. She’s got a lot going for her, even if it is mostly because she is surgically altered.

5. Who is your least favorite character or couple in a book? Why?

Now that I am actually answering this I am saddened to know that not every reviewer answered Professor Umbridge from Harry Potter. I wanted her tortured and dead a lot more the Lord What’s-his-name. I think the most awful thing about her is she was supposed to be a “good guy,’ makes her ten times more evil if you ask me. Then again, maybe that was an easy answer.

6. If there was one character you could emulate, either looks, personality and or ability, who would it be and which traits in particular?

Not so much on the personality front, but honestly, Bella Swan, post birthing the human-vampire hybrid. Pretty, super fast and strong, don’t really need the “super power,” will live until someone kills her, which could be along time, doesn’t need to waste money on groceries, buying clothes because she no longer fits in what she has, or lotion filled with glitter. Yeah, that could be an awesome life... but only if someone were around to share it with me... but as Bella Swan I could make that happen couldn’t I?

7. What movie have you watched the most? Any particular reason?

I think it’s a toss up between Pride and Prejudice with Keira Knightley and Empire Records. The first is beautifully filmed, the costuming, the sets, the filmography, the soundtrack, just make for a good film, and it’s a classic story. The second, it’s quick passed, humorous, has a great soundtrack, and tons of one liners. And it’s sprinkled with stars much to the effect of the 80's brat pack, you know, the talent of Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink, and St. Elmo’s Fire.

8. Are there any movies that you felt were a waste of time and or money? Elaborate.

S1mOne and Mirror Mirror. Take a look at the Half in the Bag review of Jack and Jill staring Adam Sandler and his entourage. I am sure that movie would make this list too had I watched it. I went into each of these movies expecting a lot more then what I got. What I got, instead of a the potentially awesome story and display of images I was hoping for (or even formulaic comedy), was ham fisted idea after ham fisted idea that someone somewhere said that’s a wrap, edited the pile of junk we have and called it a day. Don’t sell me on a movie that is about the evil queen and then give me the same tired story I already know (Brave missed with this too). The idea of replacing a live human with a computer generated simulation, had the potential to question why the industry doesn’t move in this direction... it could potentially keep costs down, again look at Jack and Jill, and it was this shallow flick about people falling in love with someone that doesn’t exist. Blah.

9. Are there any books that you would make a conscious effort to avert others from? Why?

A common answer to this is no, because as long as people are reading something, even if it is notably a pile of fecal mater, is better than them not reading at all. I have to agree. I can’t even suggest books that are against my own beliefs or I personally feel are a waste of time, because it is a good thing to be versed in things you don’t agree with, it gives credibility to your opinion, also, one mans pile of fecal mater is another mans pile of manure growing and cultivating a love for reading or rewriting.

10. If you could pit two characters from different movies played by the same actor/actress against each other in a fight, which two characters and why? Who would win?

My mind is drawing a blank, probably should have answered this question, or at least have been mulling it over when I initially wrote the question over a month ago, now I can only think of characters that are just complete opposites where one wouldn’t stand a chance at winning. Like Keira Knightley from Domino and Pride and Prejudice, cage match those two characters and the bounty hunter wins. Leonardo DiCaprio fro What’s Eating Gilbert Grape and any other role he has ever played and that kid would be gone in a sorrowful second - I’m sure his other character would be remorseful but really he’d be better asset to society. I GOT IT! Robert Pattinson from Harry Potter and Twilight. Would magic win against vampire nigh-invincibility? Ultimately, if Cedric didn’t realize he would have to explode then burn Edward, the most he would get would be ahead start. That’s not even considering Edwards mind reading skills. Sorry, the win goes to the vampire.

11. Talk about why a character from a book/game turned to movie where the character is considerably better in the book/game. One that is considerably better in the movie.

Jack Torrance of the book The Shining was by far better than the Jack Torrance portrayed by Jack Nicholson. He was human, and struggled in the book, he was just flat out creepy moving to insane in the movie.

Lauren from Twilight is by far better in the movie, because she doesn’t exist, an excellent editing choice, but kind of a cheep pick for this purpose. Jessica from Twilight is better in the movie as well, kind of a stuck up little prat that is only Bella’s friend when it helps her socially. A much better friend and person in the movies than the book.

12. What character from book, game, or movie have you had a crush on?

Okay, the movie option was probably a little on the easy side, especially because it is less the character and more the actor... even though it is a high likely that the actor has lost his identity to the character he plays. So Imma pick a book. Why back when I was a young las I read a series by L.J. Smith called Dark Visions. There were two guys vying for the leading ladies affection, well, it’s a bit more complicated then that, but damn was I team Gabriel all the way. ... it has been over a decade since reading the book, so I can’t really go into details why, but I know Rob just wasn’t enough... maybe it was the short name?

Note: Can’t stand the updated cover to the book.

13. What are some titles that fall into your "I need to read/watch/play" list.

This could be long so I’ll keep it to one of each. To read: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. To watch: Casablanca. To play: I need to finish playing Portal then on to Portal 2.

14. If you had to come up with a cross over story, which characters would you chose to unite, and what would the basic story be? (This can include Television)

I’d really like to see a cross over with Breaking Bad and Burn Notice. Barry ends up being Walters money launderer, possibly because his crazy wife gets murdered. That would be nice. Chuck Finley could make an appearance to try and lure out Walter for Hank but finds out that he can’t do a thing knowing Barry is involved not to mention Walter ain’t that bad a guy, at least in comparison to say Anson or Larry. That could be good.
15. If you could share a meal, or a cup of coffee with any five authors, who would they be? What two questions would you want most to ask?

J. K. Rowling, Emily Giffin, Stephen King, Maurice Sendak (yes, I know he’s dead) and Ann Rice. First, I’d like to tell Anne this, “My high school history teacher’s name was John. The name wasn’t an issue until the government tried drafting her.”* Then I’d like to ask who’d they would like to meet, and if they’d ever taken a moment to read one of their books reviewed on 24 Pages Per Second, when they say no, I’d give them a card to the link and a sly wink. Nah, I’m just kidding I am not that smooth.

*Anne Rice born Howard Allen Frances O'Brien, thanks to all the various links on a google search that started with that exact information.